Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Blessed Be: How Witchcraft Helps Calm My Mental Illness

About a year ago, I learned that witchcraft is actually a thing that people do. Like, in real life. People create spells and potions and sigils, they bless and craft and curse, they live in a reality where magic truly is real. As a person who has always loved the more whimsical side of life, I delved into research right away, and found that witchcraft was actually a great meditative form by which you could use your energy to influence your life. So after a while of research and thought, I started doing it. And the results were awesome.
I only do little things--I stir my tea clockwise to attract positivity, I meditate and ground when I'm upset. I do "bubbling" when I'm anxious and need to tune out the world. I bless whoever's hurt when I hear sirens in the streets. I create productivity sigils and draw them on my notebooks. I read my tarot. However, these little, intentional changes in my life have made a world of a difference.
I live with anxiety and depression, and they often cloud my mind, making it near impossible to do the things I want to, to get my life to a space where I feel together and healthy. I take meds, I go to therapy, I have coping mechanisms--but witchcraft is becoming one of the most helpful coping mechanisms I have.
Because witchcraft is intentional thinking. Witchcraft is a space I can go into where I can trust the universe will listen to me. You know how people say to visualize the first day of school if you're worried about it? That's basically what witchcraft does for my mind--it makes me feel confident and excited about life in a way things rarely do these days.
Witchcraft makes me feel happy, special, and productive, even if all I do is send positive energy towards everyone at school. Even if all I do is put a protective bubble around me and my loved ones. Because with witchcraft, I become the person I want to be: someone who even on their worst days can do a little good in the world, or do a little good for themselves.
And I think that's pretty magical.

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