Saturday, September 5, 2015

Role Models

As a teenage girl on the internet, I often find myself being bombarded by thousands of opinions. Sometimes it's hard to figure out which ones are good, and which ones are complete trash. Through my years on the internet (and there have been a few too many, I assure you), I have managed to curate a list of people that I look up to and often take time to investigate when I'm upset. I decided, why not share these people and why I find them inspirational here!

Anna Akana
First on the list is Anna Akana, a Youtuber, writer, director, actress, and standup comedian. The first video I watched of hers was Things Every Girl Should Know, and from then on I was hooked. She has lots of short, cute videos that make you think, interesting short films, and more than a few meaningful videos as well. She's hilarious, poignant, and smart--she often inspires me to work hard to achieve my goals, just like she has. A couple of my favorite videos are here, here, and here.

Nicki Minaj
I am feeling instantly defensive putting my queen on this list, because I know how much everyone seems to hate Nicki Minaj. Well, you shouldn't. Not only is Ms. Minaj a feminist, but she advocates for women in povery, as well as sex positivity. One of my favorite quotes of hers is, "There's nothing wrong with speaking my mind as long as when the song cuts off I'm still a businesswoman and I still respect myself. Women should be allowed to be as hardcore and sexual as they want, because men do it all the time." Nicki worked hard to be where she is today, and I love that she isn't afraid to call out anyone who dares to imply that she did anything but write her own lyrics and be her own person to do so.

Gail Carson Levine
It's true that, at 16, I rarely pick up Gail Carson Levine's younger-aimed books anymore, but they still sit in a loving place on my shelf. Ella Enchanted is, to this day, one of my favorite books, and when I read Writing Magic in elementary school, it truly inspired me to continue to write. I still remember some of her rules of the road, like not deleting anything you write because it might give you an idea later! I just got her other writer's advice book, Writer to Writer, and I'm so excited to start reading it.

Amy Poehler 
I first got to know Amy Poehler in her TV show Parks and Recreation, which I love so much because it's able to be funny without being negative! Since then, I've started to read more and more about her; Amy is funny and smart, and she even runs Amy Poehler's Smart Girls, which inspires girls to be clever and open-minded in all things. I also just picked up her autobiography/memoir Yes Please, and am super pumped to get to know more about my new fave.

Marina Diamandis
Marina Diamandis, better known as her stage name Marina and the Diamonds, is a Welsh singer/songwriter. Also a self-proclaimed feminist, the majority of Marina's music is relateable and clever. Not only does she make me wanna dance and sing, but she also inspires me to be who I want to be with reckless abandon. Her fashion sense is on point, and I find myself watching ever interview of hers that I come across--she's inspirational and genuine.

Carrie Hope Fletcher
I started following Carrie on her Youtube channel It's Way Past My Bedtime quite a few years ago, but I read her book All I Know Now this summer. She's sweet, funny, and I find her story to success incredibly lovely! She was young Eponine on West End as a child, and now plays adult Eponine! Her book is hilarious and makes you feel like you're not so alone in all the silly things you end up doing, on purpose or on accident. She is incredibly compassionate and I feel like I could open up to her about everything.

Malala Yousafzai
I have followed Malala's incredible story from the beginning, and I read her book I Am Malala almost as soon as it came out. The fact that Malala still manages to be empathetic and understanding even in the face of such hatred and adversity makes me feel like it should be easy for me to also be loving in my quite easy, day-to-day experiences! Her work to improve education for women and girl's has been incredible to watch, and every time I see her on my Facebook feed, Youtube subscriptions or Tumblr dashboard, I either find a smile on my face or tears in my eyes. She now runs The Malala Fund, a non-profit helping girls get education.

Well, there they are! I'm sure you've noticed a pattern here--strong, smart women who have worked hard in order to achieve there goals. There are plenty of women who inspire me, people I know in real life and even fictional characters, but I thought this list of successful women would be enough for now. I think it's important to find people we relate to in our lives, people we can look to for inspiration when we sometimes think we'll never make it to their level.

So who are your role models? Who motivates you to keep going, keep working, and keep being the best you you can be?

Lots of love,

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