Thursday, September 10, 2015

My Writing Goals

I've been a writer for a long time. A loooooong time. As soon as I could hold a pencil and read a book, I realized that I wanted to pen the stories I so avidly enjoyed. My goals as a writer have fluctuated and changed over time, though the main, overarching plan as remained the same: make a living writing what I love. Nonetheless, here is a list of my goals, curated here for your (hopefully!) enjoyment.

Short Term:
Since I was rejected from Iowa Young Writer's Studio last year, I've been filled with a burning fire that's causing me to work harder on completing goals and improving my skills now so that I can get to where I want to go later. Here are my short term goals, in no particular order:

  • Submit more work (be it excerpts, short fiction, essays, poetry, whatever) to magazines for young writers and all writers...maybe get accepted once or twice!
  • Participate in National Novel Writing Month, either to complete Sorcera or get started on my new project (working title Girls and Galaxies); this year's NaNo will probably be more lowkey than previous years thanks to hardcore schoolwork
  • Complete my second rewrite of Sorcera, and let it sit for a month or so before rereading again (hoping to be finished by/in December)
  • Apply not only to Iowa, but also to other workshops, like Interlochen's Novel Writing Institute, Alpha, and Kenyon Writer's Workshop
  • Begin work on a rewrite of Rita and the Afterlife, the novel I wrote the first time I won NaNo!
These goals all range in scope from now to about mid-spring, but the schedule will definitely fluctuate as things go. I hope to come up with a "submissions" schedule that I use to accumulate all my various deadlines!

Long Term: 
I will admit that my long term goals are quite a bit more vague than my short term ones--though I'm sure they'll get a lot more clear as I get closer to where I'm holding this long view!

  • Complete Sorcera to a professional level and begin sending query letters to agents
  • Continue to revise Rita and the Afterlife to a publishable level
  • Do freelance work with magazines of various types
  • Get one of your novels published, hopefully sooner rather than later!
  • Pay the bills...maybe
Well, there they are? Do you think they're achievable? Or are they crazy? 

Good luck all,

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