Friday, October 2, 2015

How to Keep Motivated and Inspired

Hi everyone! Sorry for the lack of blog posts as of late, totally my fault, but the first month of school has been super hectic. It's not like a ton of people are reading this, but I feel bad anyway. :P I'll try my best to update once a week; I have a long list of posts that I can make now, too!

Nonetheless, I thought that today I might talk about something that I know is difficult for all of us: keeping motivated and inspired. I think one of the hardest things while writing is coming up with ideas, sticking to an idea, and actually putting your idea into action. So, what do? I've separated my list into those three sections.

Coming Up with Ideas

1. Dedicate a Pinterest board or a Tumblr tag to writing inspiration, and post anything that could possibly inspire you there. When you're hankering to write something but don't know what to write, check there.

2. Listen to a song you enjoy, or a song you've never heard before, and try to come up with a story related to it.

3. Create an "inspirational" playlist, and listen to it while you brainstorm ideas.

4. Just START WRITING, sometimes the best way to get ideas is just to begin the process--then at least you KNOW your brain is in a writing mood.

Sticking to an Idea

1. Dedicate a Pinterest board or a Tumblr tag TO ONLY YOUR NOVEL. Continually update this page with things that remind you of your story, characters, or your story's setting. I find that doing something like this keeps me super inspired about my story all the time, because I'm always seeing things that show me a new facet of my story.

2. Set a time that you're going to write. Stick to it.

Putting Your Ideas into Action

1. If this helps, outline your story or create a character sheet or character map. Use a bubble map to brainstorm your idea in more detail.

2. Start writing! Write every day. Write as much as you can, but if you really can only get a sentence or two on the page, that's better than nothing.

3. Don't give up! You came up with this idea, you've worked so hard to get it going, and it's going to be worth it when your novel is complete!

I hope that these tips helped at least a little bit. I find things like pictures, quotes, and music very inspiring and motivating to me, so I thought I'd share those ideas and a few more with you. Feel free to comment telling me what you do to stay inspired, or if any of these ideas help. I'll write you all next week! Thanks for reading!

Happy writing,

Sorcera Word Count: 13,860

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