Friday, January 22, 2016

My Top 5 Favorite Books (+ Why!)

Good afternoon everyone! I've been an avid reader for as long as I can remember, and my love of books prompted me to want to write my own. Today, I thought I'd share my favorite books with you!

1. Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Mariller

Daughter of the Forest is a Celtic retelling of the fairy tale of the Seven Swans. This book is the first in a series, and my mom suggested it to me a couple years back--I've only read it once, but it will always hold a place in my heart as one of my favorite novels! The best description I can give of this novel is one of chocolate cake: each page is rich with warm, delicious storytelling. I read this book over the course of two months, reading a couple pages each day and savoring it. Don't worry though, Daughter of the Forest is anything but boring! The details are made interesting with poignant plot twists, great dialogue, and meaningful characters. The climax of the novel had me in hysterics at about one in the morning. Truly an incredible read!

2. The Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling

I love Harry Potter. You love Harry Potter. We all love Harry Potter. Do I really need to explain?

3. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

I was suggested this book by a friend of mine, and I'm so thankful that I picked it up! With a lot of unoriginal YA fiction around these days, Daughter of Smoke and Bone is enchanting and vivid, with characters you really want to root for. It centers on Karou, a girl caught between two worlds--our own, Earth, and another filled with monsters and angels. Her world is turned even further upside down than it already is when she meets Akiva, her love interest (surprise!) and someone she feels drawn to for reasons she can't explain. The detail in this book is incredibly intricate, and this book manages to be touching without being overwrought, romantic without being predictable, and exciting without being annoying. A true win for YA fantasy!

4. The Engelsfors Trilogy by Sara B Elfgren and Mats Strandsberg

I picked up the first book in this trilogy, The Circle, in Traverse City on a weekend trip when it was suggested at the bookstore--I read the summary, and when I found it had six female main characters that were witches, I knew I had to read it. Despite it being a huge book, I finished it within days, and was hungry for more. The Circle focuses on a group of girls who gain magic powers after the "suicide" of a boy at their school. Set in a small town in Sweden, Engelsfors, these girls' use their powers for good, evil, and just about anything in between. With a rotating perspective, you get lots of time to understand and sympathize with ever character. The writing is vivid and interesting, making you feel incredibly involved with the plot. I suggest this book to anyone looking for a fresh new read!

4. A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket

You know a book is good when you read it as a kid, and then when you read it again a few years later, it's still good! Lemony Snicket's morbid and dry humor makes the outlandish stories of three orphans and their terrifying stalker even more fantastical than they already are. With resourceful, sympathetic main characters, an incredible villain, and a plot that always keeps you guessing with the sheer unfortunate-ness of it all, A Series of Unfortunate Events is truly exciting, with morals and themes that people of any age can appreciate.

5. How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff

I read How I Live Now when I heard about the movie (which I've actually yet to watch), and I've held it close to my heart ever since. How I Live Now centers on a girl, Daisy, and her trip to visit cousins in England--a terrorist attack happens soon thereafter, and she and her other female cousin are split from the boy cousins. She and her sister trek across the English countryside to try and find them again. Touching and poignant, How I Live Now paints a disconcerting yet somehow mellow portrait of a family separated, as well as youth issues and a coming of age story. Very interesting!

If you've read any of these and want to tell me what you thought of them, or plan to read any of these, please let me know in the comments or tweet me (@m_kekai)! Happy reading!


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