Friday, January 15, 2016

Top 5 Writer's Resources!

Hey everyone, and happy Friday! Ever needed some good writer's advice? Ever needed something to finally get you into the groove of writing? Well, I'm your gal tonight then, because guess what post I just wrote! That's right, here I have my top 5 writer's resources. Let's get right into it:

1. National Novel Writing Month

National Novel Writing Month (Or, more popularly, and briefly, NaNoWriMo) is an online program by which you can challenge yourself to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. You can post a synopsis of your novel, update your word count on the site, and talk to fellow writers! This is an incredibly fun endeavor, and how I completed my first full-length novel (rather than the novellas of my youth). Even if you're a more seasoned writer with a writing routine already, it's exciting to participate--there's a sort of motivation that comes with knowing you're working with others towards a common goal.

2. She's Novel

I stumbled upon She's Novel a couple weeks ago, and have been addicted to it ever since! Aesthetically pleasing and infinitely encouraging, I find Kristen Kieffer to be funny and inspirational. This came along at the perfect time for me, as I just started working very hard on creating a writing routine (I'm writing a post involving that very soon), and I needed a little jump start for my motivation. She also has guest writers from time to time. I especially love her articles How I Learned to Write Every Day and My Two Step Method for Finishing Your Novel.

3. Writer's Digest

A writer's advice classic, I often spend time trolling through the Writer's Digest archives, looking for any articles that may appeal to me--I often get the magazine for Christmas. Insightful and interesting, Writer's Digest has a lot of different content, so if you need advice on a particular writing issue, you're sure to find the help you need here.

4. 750words

I used to use 750words a lot when I was younger, and this is another great site for young writers or people just starting out with a writing routine. 750words is where you can write 750 words a day--it tracks your progress and productivity, and saves your work.

5. Written? Kitten + Write or Die!

So, do you work better with a carrot or a stick? Either way, I've got you covered! Written? Kitten! is a site where you are rewarded with a picture of a kitten per number of words that you write, which you can adjust at your leisure. Meanwhile, Write or Die threatens you--if you don't keep writing continuously until you reach your goal, the site gets consistently more irritating until you continue to write. Write or Die is great because it really forces you to focus, or else. Written? Kitten! is great because, I mean, cats.

I hope you like this list! Please let me know if you check out any of these, I'd love to hear what you think of them.



  1. Kekai! You're too good to me. Thank you so much for including She's Novel in this post. Happy writing, lady!
